My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved Alisha Rai's "The Right Swipe." This book took me by surprise in the best way. I was expecting a light, fun read, and there were certainly some light and fun elements to it, but there were also several very serious subjects explored, including sexual harassment/abuse in the workplace and the consequences of repeated head injuries in pro football, among others. The author clearly did her homework on these topics, and her passion for bringing much needed attention to them was clear.
That said, IMO the romance between the main characters, Samson and Rhiannon, was still the core of the book. There was a tremendous amount of emotional depth to these characters and the overall story, and I couldn't help but empathize with Samson and Rhiannon. I found them both to be well-developed and incredibly likeable. It was maybe a bit difficult for me to warm up to Rhi at first, but as I continued to read and got to understand her better, I liked her more and more. Learning about her background and past experiences explained so much about her actions and personality traits in the present. She was tough, but she had her reasons for that. Fortunately, Samson was able to make a case for Rhi to break her own rule against giving people second chances, because the two of them made a really great couple.
I guess my one complaint about this book - if you can really call it a complaint - is that there was no epilogue. It would have been nice to see Rhi and Samson a few months or years down the line, after they've settled into their relationship and worked together on overcoming some of their remaining issues. Hopefully we will get updates on them in future books in the series.
Speaking of future books, I am very much looking forward to reading Rhi's best friend Katrina's story in book two. She was an incredibly likeable secondary character here, and I can't wait to learn more about her!
*ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
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