Thursday, November 14, 2019

Happy Release Day to R.S. Grey's "His Royal Highness"
I am ridiculously excited to be participating in today's release blitz celebrating the publication of R.S. Grey's latest novel, "His Royal Highness."  I've read a number of R.S. Grey's books in the past and loved them all because of their humor and wonderful characters, but I have especially been looking forward to reading this one ever since it was announced.  There aren't many things in this world that I love as much as romance novels, but Disney is one of them, so the fact that "His Royal Highness" features a theme park loosely based on Walt Disney World made my Mickey-loving heart nearly explode with anticipation and glee.  I started reading the book as soon as it downloaded to my Kindle, and it was tough to put it down when life intruded! 

Unfortunately, real life intruded quite a bit more than I would have liked, so the original version of this post did not include a review.  Now that I have finished the book, however, I have added my full review to the end of this post.  In short, I loved this book every bit as much as I thought I would.  It's charming, funny, and sweet, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

About "His Royal Highness"

I’ve spent eight years wishing I’d fall out of love with Derek Knightley. Blowing out birthday candles, chasing after shooting stars, making it rain spare change into mall fountains—every time it’s the same wish: forget about Derek.

But the day he walks back into my life, I realize there are two things time has yet to soften: my feelings for him and his chiseled jawline.

It’s infuriating that my heart still races when he walks into a room. I refuse to fall prey to old unrequited love, so I decide the less I’m around him, the better. Avoidance is key.

Unfortunately, Derek isn’t going to make it easy. As a teenager, I would have crawled on my hands and knees to attract his attention. Now I can’t seem to escape it.

I’m not sure why he’s bothering. He’s not just out of my league—he’s out of my tax bracket. As the sole heir to the Knightley Company, he’s as close to American royalty as you can get. As for me, I’m just a part-time princess at Knightley’s flagship magical theme park.

I spend my days playing make-believe, but Derek has no use for fairytales. His unwavering confidence makes it clear he thinks I’ll surrender in the end.

He’s just biding his time.

Making me sweat.

His Royal Highness always gets what he wants.

And he wants me.

Get your hands on HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS:

Add HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS to Goodreads:

My Review

"His Royal Highness" was yet another delightful rom-com from R.S. Grey, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.  I adored both of the main characters, Whitney and Derek. When the story began, Whitney definitely seemed stuck; she was still living in the same dorm room from her college days and doing the exact same job playing Princess Elena in the theme park. Derek's return and their growing relationship shook Whitney out of her rut and made her realize that she needed to make some changes in her life. When she finally decided what she wanted to do next in her career, I nearly squealed because the job was so perfect for her.

I'm generally a fan of workplace romances, and this story features one of the best ones I've ever read. Even though Derek was Whitney's former mentor and technically her current boss, the fact that he took a temporary job in the park with her made it seem more like they were on equal footing, so it never felt like he was using his position to force her into a relationship. Derek made his interest in Whitney clear, but he was never overly pushy. He respected boundaries and it never felt like he was crossing a line into sexual harassment, which I very much appreciated.

Overall, I loved this book every bit as much as (if not more than) I expected to, and I highly recommend it. I can't wait to see what R.S. Grey publishes next!

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