Thursday, February 6, 2020

Happy Release Day to "Doctor Dearest" by R.S. Grey!
I am thrilled to celebrate the release of R.S. Grey's latest romantic comedy, "Doctor Dearest." Ms. Grey's books have been on my auto-buy list for quite a while now because of their humor and wonderful characters, and I have been looking forward to reading this one ever since it was announced. Thankfully, it lived up to every single one of my expectations, and I highly recommend it for both new and existing readers of Ms. Grey's work. Fans of medical TV shows such as "ER" and "Grey's Anatomy" are likely to find this story particularly enjoyable. Main characters Natalie and Connor are both surgeons in a hospital burn unit, and I personally found their work to be (almost) as fascinating as their love story.

Note: The original version of this post did not contain a full review, but one is now included below.

About "Doctor Dearest"


Dr. Easton is part man, part myth.

He’s a formidable surgeon. Highly respected in his field.

He also happens to be an ex-collegiate quarterback with a classically handsome face.

Are you catching on yet?

He’s horrible.


A walking Ralph Lauren ad.

He’s also so off limits he should come with a warning label: This way lies heartache.

Not only is he an attending at the hospital where I’m training, he’s also my brother’s best friend. If you’ve lost count, that’s two reasons why I plan on putting this ridiculous crush behind me. Besides, it’s definitely not mutual.

Dr. Easton has never once paid me special attention. No tempting smirks. Not even one subtle innuendo. To him, I’m just another resident—all but invisible.


For the last five years, I’ve mentored Natalie in the OR, stayed in line, and kept my hands to myself, but it’s been agonizing.

Natalie is trouble in scrubs. A walking temptation I’ve been forced to ignore.

For so long, I’ve wanted her in silence. By the time fate finally gets around to throwing me a bone, my patience has run out.

Natalie’s brother is leaving town, and he wants me to watch over her while he’s gone.

He has no idea how I feel about her.

Neither does she.

But she will.

Haven’t you heard good things come to those who wait, Natalie?

Well…I’ve done my waiting.

 My Review

I finished R.S. Grey's "Doctor Dearest" in the wee hours of the morning with a huge smile on my face. I loved this book so much! The main characters, Natalie and Connor, were well-developed and endearing, and I found it very easy to root for them both individually and as a couple. Their relationship development was nicely paced, and I enjoyed their witty banter throughout the book.

Natalie was a wonderful lead character: incredibly smart, fiercely independent, and dedicated to her work. In a professional capacity, she knew exactly what she wanted and how to achieve it, but she was not nearly as confident when it came to her personal life. However, I appreciated that Natalie recognized her relationship hang-ups and worked so hard to overcome them. Connor was certainly worth the effort! He was a totally swoon-worthy male lead, and I couldn't help thinking of him as "McDreamy 2.0" the whole time I was reading this book.

The book's secondary characters were a lot of fun too, especially Natalie's brother Noah and best friend Lindsey. I would love to read a future story about the two of them - there definitely seemed to be some chemistry there!

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