Sunday, February 9, 2020

Review: The Boyfriend Blog

The Boyfriend Blog The Boyfriend Blog by K.L. Grayson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed K.L. Grayson's "The Boyfriend Blog," but I think I was expecting more from it than was actually there. It's a sweet, frothy confection of a book, and the main characters, Aiden and Lizzie, were amusing and mostly likeable. That said, things seemed to fall into place for them a little bit too easily when they finally decided that they were ready to be more than friends, and the big "conflict" between them at the end of the book felt like it was blown way out of proportion to me. A lot of Lizzie and Aiden's problems, both when they were in college and in their current relationship, seemed to be based on "big misunderstandings" and failures to communicate on important issues, which didn't exactly leave me feeling confident that the foundation of their relationship was secure.

I was also annoyed by some of the things Lizzie did at the end of the book, especially when she got mad at Aiden for reading her blog. She was mostly angry because, according to her, the blog entries were her "private" thoughts and feelings and she didn't want him to know about them. If that was the case, then why post them on the internet where the ENTIRE WORLD could access them? I can understand why Lizzie would be upset about Aiden using the blog to try and manipulate her into dating him, but I completely disagree about the entries being private information. A blog is not the same thing as a diary, IMO.

In addition, the reunion scene in Aiden's boss's office was a little much for me. Any sense of romance I may have felt was completely overshadowed by my sense of how unprofessional it was for Aiden to have an emotional, PDA-filled conversation with his girlfriend in front of his boss and new co-workers, many of whom he was supposed to supervise. What a way to make a first impression, especially after said girlfriend barged into the office looking like a homeless person!

At any rate, this was a light, fun, and sweet story that kept me entertained for a few hours, and I would recommend it.

View all my reviews

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