Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Review: "Love in Bloom" by Jenny Proctor

Congratulations to Jenny Proctor on today's release of her latest novel, "Love in Bloom," book #4 of the Some Kind of Love series. Characters from the previous books make appearances in this one, but it reads as a complete standalone. 

Cameron Hunter has rubbed Darcy Marino the wrong way since the day they met, and now that the rival tour guides are up for the same magazine feature, it seems unlikely that their relationship will improve. Cameron hopes that publicity from the article will allow him to expand his business and further his goal of sharing local history in a fun and entertaining way. He could also use the extra money to help his father with outstanding medical bills. Darcy, meanwhile, hopes that expanding her tour business will give her the cash flow to pursue her true passion, urban landscape architecture. She wants to design and install things like the famous window boxes featured on the historic homes and businesses of downtown Charleston, but to do that, she must find a way to pay for a booth at an upcoming flower show to showcase her design ideas for potential clients. As Cameron and Darcy's rivalry heats up, other passions are brought to the surface, and they start to realize that they may have misjudged each other. Can they move past their rivalry and forge a new path forward, together?

I loved Cameron and Darcy's story so much! Their banter was a ton of fun and had me laughing more than once (as did their prank war), but the story was also surprisingly emotional at times, mainly due to Cameron's family situation. He definitely wasn't who he seemed to be at first, though he had good reasons for hiding his true self. It made me so happy when Cameron finally let his guard down with Darcy and realized that he could trust her to like and care for the real him.

Overall, I completely adored this funny, sweet, and heartwarming story. I highly recommend "Love in Bloom" for all sweet contemporary and romantic comedy fans. I am very much looking forward to the author's next book.

*Review copy provided by the author. All opinions expressed are my own.

About "Love in Bloom"

Hating Cameron Hunter shouldn't be this easy.

I'm basically a golden retriever puppy. I love everyone and want everyone to love me.

But Cameron is the singular exception to my "love everyone" rule, and the hatred goes both ways.

First of all, he's one of THOSE guys. The kind that looks like he belongs on the cover of Yacht Club Weekly. Second of all, he's way too good at his job. The man is a walking Wikipedia. His walking tours of historic downtown Charleston stay booked weeks in advance.

Did I mention I run tours along the same route?

When we're both up for a magazine feature that could kick our respective careers to the next level, our rivalry turns into a heated competition.

Then we unexpectedly kiss (it's a looooong story), and things get really complicated. Now my blood is boiling over Cameron for an entirely different reason.

Only one of us can win. Can I trust a man who used to be my enemy, or is everything—even our relationship—just a part of his plan to take me down?

Books in the Some Kind of Love series can be read in any order.

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