Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Release Blitz + Review: "Side Piece" by Kelly Kay

I am excited to participate in the release blitz promoting "Side Piece" by Kelly Kay today. This steamy standalone novel had its funny moments, but there was a surprising amount of angst too. Main characters Tess and Alex both loved their work and were very committed to advancing their careers, and neither could imagine rearranging their priorities to make room for a romantic relationship. As the story progressed and we learned more about each of them, it became apparent that the reasons for their devotion to work were a lot more complicated than they initially seemed, and both were carrying a lot of emotional baggage that explained their unwillingness to commit. 
There were a lot of things I liked about this book, most notably the quirky friendship Tess developed with Alex's business partner, Mikey, and Tess and Alex's flirty, witty banter. That said, I sometimes found Tess and Alex's conversations to be a bit difficult to follow, especially when they were exchanging backstories. They sometimes jumped from one topic to another with virtually no transition or picked up the same topic several chapters later as if they had never left off the discussion. I also found myself getting annoyed with the number of times they asked each other (rhetorically) why the sex was so good, or said they shouldn't have such strong feelings for each other so soon after meeting. Those observations became repetitive very quickly.
In addition, as much as I felt bad for Alex after everything he went through with his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte, I still found myself liking him less and less as the story progressed. It really bothered me that he didn't tell Tess about Charlotte until it was almost too late, especially after Tess had been so honest and upfront with him. Alex's big speech at the end rubbed me the wrong way, too. For some reason, it came across to me like he was trying to "mansplain" Tess's feelings to her. At the very least, I would have liked to see Alex grovel more before Tess forgave him.
As stated earlier, there was a lot that I liked about "Side Piece," but there were a few too many bothersome aspects for me to really love the story. However, I would still recommend it for fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy, particularly anyone who enjoys the insta-lust/insta-love trope. I would read more of Kelly Kay's work in the future.

*Review copy provided by the author via Grey's Promotions. All opinions expressed are my own.

About "Side Piece"
Side Piece is an instant connection sweeping romance where Tess and Alex simply don't have time for romance. Their work schedules dictate their worlds, and they like it that way. But their pull towards each other is undeniable. The sex is magnetic, it's the scheduling that's the problem. The relationship feels like a torrid affair cheating on their everyday lives. Perhaps there could be more if only their calendars overlapped long enough to fall in love.

Sex is the easy part. But they're going to need to find an opening in their schedules if they want to fall in love.
Absolutely married to my job of writing happily ever afters. I love everything about my committed relationship with words. I feed it, and it feeds me, and we're very happy together. The parameters of our relationship are cut and dry, black and white. And then Alex showed up with his gorgeous crooked smile and shaded everything gray, and now I don't know if I can ever turn the page back. I've never thought I'd be the girl who swoons. He scares me to death. 
I am utterly addicted to this woman. Beautiful, beguiling, Tess is a drug taunting me to have one more hit. My life is a deep dive into projects with no regard for anything and anyone else. Work is all there is. My friends and I built this media company from nothing. Making a difference, being a political pundit, is what I was put on earth to do. Tess is the perfect woman for me, but I just don't have the luxury of falling for her. Sleeping with her, absolutely. But I don't have the bandwidth for love.

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