Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Review: "How to Lose a Girl in 10 Texts" by Marika Ray and Delancey Stewart

How to Lose a Girl in 10 TextsHow to Lose a Girl in 10 Texts by Marika Ray and Delancey Stewart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sophia Whittington and Dillon Cunningham grew up as next door neighbors and close friends with parents who were also best friends. As they got older, their feelings for each other turned romantic, though they never told each other how they felt. Just when it seemed as if they might finally have a chance to be together, a misunderstanding about Dillon's senior prom caused them to have a falling out, and Dillon has avoided Sophia ever since. He even moved to San Diego to avoid the painful memories of their past as well as reminders of his father's absence following his death. Years later, Sophia still feels stuck in the wreckage of their shared past and decides that she needs closure before she can move on. When Dillon's twin brother Dalton finds out that he and their other brothers may have played a part in what happened back then, he hatches a scheme to make things right, enlisting the help of their matchmaking mom Pam, who would like nothing more than to have Dillon back home in Solano Creek and happily settled with Sophia, her "first daughter." When all is said and done, will Sophia finally get her closure - or is there still a chance for her and Dillon after all?

I've been wondering why there was so much animosity between Sophia and Dillon ever since their first interaction in one of the earlier books of the series, so it was great to finally learn their story. I'm not a fan of big misunderstanding plots, but fortunately this one was resolved relatively quickly, and the ruse that brought Dillon back to Solano Creek was revealed by the book's halfway point. After that, the drama mainly focused on Dillon's concerns regarding his mom, Pam, starting to move on after his father's death and his own struggle to balance work and a relationship. Dillon didn't have a reason to consider his work-life balance before he and Sophia started dating, and it wasn't easy for him to get it right afterwards. Luckily he had his brothers and his employee/friend Muriel to help him realize that he was being an idiot and would lose Sophia for good if he didn't get his act together. Sophia had some growing to do in the career department as well. She moved back in with her parents after college but had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. She kind of fell into a career path by accident, but it turned out to be exactly the perfect fit for her.

Overall, "How to Lose a Girl in 10 Texts" was a super cute and funny story, and I recommend it for all romantic comedy fans. I'm not quite ready for this series to end, so I really hope the last line of the epilogue was a hint of things to come! Regardless, I look forward to whatever the authors write next.

*Review copy provided by the authors. All opinions expressed are my own.

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