Friday, February 5, 2021

Release Blitz + Review: "Between the Lines" by T. Gephart

Today, I am delighted to participate in the release blitz celebrating "Between the Lines" by T. Gephart, book #4 of the Hot in the City series. While characters from earlier books make appearances in this one, it reads as a complete standalone.

"Between the Lines" featured a well-crafted friends-to-lovers romance between NYPD officer Tessa Ricci and FDNY hottie Justin Tibbs. I've loved Tibbs since the beginning of the series and have been anxious for him to meet his match. He always seemed so charming and charismatic, but was also kind of a manwhore, so I knew it would take someone special to get and keep his attention. Tessa was absolutely the perfect match for him: funny, sarcastic, brave, and always up for a challenge. It didn't hurt that she could (and did) best him in a boxing match, which quite amused me. I think Tibbs needed to have some of the cockiness beaten out of him!

The chemistry between Tessa and Tibbs was smoking right from the start, and they were adorable together even if their relationship did move a bit faster than I would have liked. They started spending nearly all of their free time together after a single date and declared their love for each other shortly thereafter. However, I loved their flirty, teasing banter and the way that they dared each other to do things just to see who would back down first. I also loved the way that Tibbs matured over the course of the story. His relationship with Tessa as well as the unexpected challenge he faced from his past forced him to step up and proved how much integrity he had, despite his somewhat frivolous reputation.

Overall, "Between the Lines" was my favorite book of the series so far, and I highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. I look forward to whatever T. Gephart writes next! (I'm not-so-secretly hoping it might be a story for Tessa's partner, Grayson Miller.)

*Review copy provided by the author via Grey's Promotions. All opinions expressed are my own.
About "Between the Lines"

Justin Tibbs— Bailing and heading to Tessa’s apartment. If you don’t hear from me in twenty-four hours, she’s probably killed and tossed me in the Hudson. Tell everyone it was a good way to go, and I’m not even sorry. Enjoy the rest of your night, I know I sure will be.

Jared Leighton – Tibbs, do NOT screw around. She is NYPD and a friend, have you completely lost your mind?

Justin Tibbs —Sorry, brother, I need to see this through. I haven’t been this intrigued by a woman in a very long time. Worth dying over. Been nice knowing you.

Jared Leighton— Tibbs, come back to the bar before it’s too late.

Jared Leighton—Tibbs!

Jared Leighton— Jesus Christ.

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