Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Release Blitz + Review: "Tight Spot" by Stacey Lynn

I'm excited to participate in the release blitz celebrating "Tight Spot" by Stacey Lynn, book #3 of the Nashville Steel series. Characters from the previous books make cameo appearances in this one, but it reads as a standalone.

Despite the drama she brings into his life, professional football player Dawson Butler has always supported his sister Crystal because of a promise he made when they were kids. He's all out of patience after her latest stunt gets him arrested, however. With his position as a member of the Nashville Steel in jeopardy, Dawson decides to cut Crystal off, but that's not the end of his problems; the team wants to see that he's settling down, which means he needs a girlfriend, fast. He swore off relationships after witnessing the fallout from his parents' disastrous marriage, so based on a suggestion from his teammates, Dawson turns to a local matchmaker for help in finding a fake girlfriend. Surprisingly, the matchmaker suggests her best friend, Hailey Parillo. She's been avoiding dating ever since being left at the altar by her cheating fiance, and her friends think it's time for Hailey to get back out there. She's willing to go along with Dawson's plan, but she wants something from him, too: help losing her V-card.

This book didn't pack quite as much of an emotional punch as the first two of the series, though it was still a entertaining read. Hailey and Dawson had great chemistry and seemed well matched in terms of personality, but there were things about each of their characters that annoyed me. For Hailey, it was that she was so clueless. I couldn't understand how she consistently managed to miss important things that were happening around her. For Dawson, it bothered me that he went on and on about what an idiot Hailey's ex was for letting her go when he planned to do the exact same thing just a few short months later. Fortunately, he worked through enough of his emotional baggage to deliver a phenomenal grovel after screwing up, and they ended up in a good place.
Despite those few frustrations, I'd recommend "Tight Spot" for all fans of angsty/emotional contemporary romance and look forward to Stacey Lynn's next release.
*Review copy provided by the author via Valentine PR. All opinions expressed are my own.

About "Tight Spot"

When a fake relationship feels a little too real…. I’m in a Tight Spot.

I’m not a nice guy. I’m too rude. Too gruff. I want to be left alone and stay in my lane as one of the best tight ends in the NFL. Too bad management has a sudden problem with my image and all the fines I’ve been racking up.

Now I’m told I need to settle down, shape up…or they’re shipping me out.

Except no playbook could have prepared me for the Hail Mary pass they threw at me:

Enter Hailey Parillo. My fake girlfriend. She’s the Sunshine to my Grump, the Sweet to my Sour and the Smile to my Scowl. As ridiculous as it is, she agrees to play this fake game with me, for something in return:

Lessons in seducing a man and losing her virginity.

I almost balk at the idea, but I've got a career I don't want to lose in a city I don't want to leave.

AND little did I know this is the most important game of my life. 

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