Friday, October 16, 2020

Blog Tour + Review: "Single Dad Seeks Juliet" by Max Monroe

I am super excited to participate in the blog tour celebrating the release of Max Monroe's new novel, "Single Dad Seeks Juliet." Max Monroe never fails to deliver a laugh when I need one, and their latest effort was no exception. Main characters Holley and Jake were completely delightful, and I loved the way they bantered and teased each other. Their chemistry was fantastic from the start, which made the slow build of their relationship both delicious and torturous. They came so close to kissing so many times, and I was at the edge of my seat waiting for it to finally happen for real!
Holley was such a fun lead character: sweet, snarky, and sometimes awkward, but very relatable. She couldn't see her own beauty, but fortunately Jake did, and the way he came to care about her was completely swoon-worthy. As for Jake, I loved the fact that he was so comfortable in his own skin. He could have let the difficulties of being a single parent overwhelm and define him, but instead, he rose to the challenge and chose to be happy. He created a pretty great life for himself and his daughter Chloe, and their relationship was adorable. Jake went above and beyond to ensure that Chloe always had everything she needed, even without her mom to guide her through the toughest parts of adolescence.

The book's secondary characters were a ton of fun and added a tremendous amount of depth and humor to the story. I particularly enjoyed Chloe and her teenage slang, not only because it made me laugh but also because Jake and Holley had so much trouble figuring out what she was actually trying to say sometimes. Holley's dad was great too; like Jake, he was an amazing single dad, but unlike Jake, he seemed to lack any sort of a filter. Whatever inappropriate thing popped into his head came right out of his mouth, which was often hilarious, but could be embarrassing for Holley. Finally, Jake's best friend, firefighter Garrett, was very intriguing. I'm looking forward to reading his story, hopefully soon.

Overall, I loved "Single Dad Seeks Juliet" and highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary romantic comedy. I can't wait for Max Monroe's next release!
*Review copy provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR. All opinions expressed are my own.

About "Single Dad Seeks Juliet"

Single Dad Seeks Juliet, an all-new sexy, hot and seriously funny rom com from New York Times bestselling author Max Monroe is available now!

Dear Internet: Am I a horrible person for wanting to sabotage my work assignment—completely wreck a dating contest—because I hate the idea of love?

I know it sounds bad, but just hear me out, okay?

I (33F) work at a local paper, and two months ago, my editor assigned me a huge project—run the upcoming, highly anticipated Bachelor Anonymous contest.

In essence, I’m supposed to help a reader-nominated bachelor find his special someone, and while I should be excited to handle something of this magnitude solo, I can’t help but get queasy over how gross it feels.

Like, how cheesy could this thing get?

Not to mention, I’m the last person who should be involved in this—my dating and relationship history is a cluster. Generally, the person in charge of these things shouldn’t fantasize about lighting the whole three-ring dating circus on fire.

Anyway, men from all over Southern California, vying for the coveted bachelor role, submitted their personal ads to my paper. The readers voted, and Single Dad Seeks Juliet won by a landslide.

Enter Mr. Bachelor Anonymous (40M), the single dad Romeo seeking his Juliet.

Blah, blah, blah, right? Wrong.

You guys—and I cannot stress this enough—this guy is the ultimate man in a six-foot-three, chiseled-muscle, freaking Adonis package with aquamarine eyes that would haunt the dreams of an insomniac.

He’s a former Navy SEAL, successful business owner, motocross-riding, charming, supportive, funny-as-heck single dad, and the more time I spend with him, the more I want to bring this contest thing crumbling to the ground for an entirely different reason.

Real talk: I think I’m falling for him.

Me, the woman who despises love, might be falling for the completely off-limits Bachelor who I’m ironically assigned to help find love, while five other women think they’re the only contestants competing for his heart.

So, Internet. Am I scum? Or is all fair in love and war?

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