Friday, March 18, 2022

Release Blitz + Review: "Shenanigans" by Sarina Bowen

I'm happy to take part in the release blitz celebrating "Shenanigans" by Sarina Bowen, book #6 of the Brooklyn series. I'm a relatively new reader of Bowen's work and this is the first time I've picked up anything in this series, but I thought it worked well as a standalone.

I don't know how it happened, but I've managed to read quite a few books recently that focused on hockey players who were accidentally married in Las Vegas, and frankly, I was starting to wonder what, if anything, was left to do with the trope. However, Sarina Bowen managed to breathe new life into it and come up with something completely fresh and totally compelling. I fell in love with these characters and their world and had a tough time putting the book down. 
I loved the banter and slow burn, opposites attract romance between protagonists Charli Higgins and Neil Drake, who were both professional hockey players but grew up in completely different worlds. Neil was the heir to a billion-dollar private jet empire, while Charli was bounced around between various relatives until she managed to land an athletic scholarship to a prestigious private high school. Despite his wealth, Neil was incredibly likeable and relatable; he enjoyed cooking, cared about the environment, and was patient and generous with Charli and everyone else he cared about. As for Charli, I loved her toughness and independence and empathized with the challenges she'd faced in the past.

Overall, "Shenanigans" gave me all the feels and I highly recommend it for fans of contemporary/sports romance and romantic comedy. I will definitely be going back to read the earlier books in the series and look forward to whatever Sarina Bowen comes up with next.
*Review copy provided by the author. All opinions expressed are my own.   
About "Shenanigans"

What I meant to do in Vegas: Let my hair down for once and celebrate winning a medal at my first women’s hockey all-stars competition.

What I actually did: Got senior prom drunk and woke up married to Brooklyn’s star winger, the great Neil Drake.

He’s the heir to a billion dollars, and I barely survived my childhood. Our friendship is based strictly only on hockey, takeout food, and smack talk.

And now holy matrimony. Although we both know it can’t last, especially once his evil family gets wind of our Vegas shenanigans…

Contains: Meddling teammates, meddling parents, ugly jewelry, and a pretend-kiss that nearly sets the world on fire. 

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