Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Release Blitz + Review: "Sneaking Around with #34" by Piper Rayne

I'm delighted to take part in the release blitz promoting "Sneaking Around with #34" by Piper Rayne, book #4 of the Hockey Hotties series. Characters from earlier books in the series make appearances in this one, but it reads as a standalone.

Professional hockey player Warner Langley was traded to the Florida Fury near the end of last season and proved to be a valuable addition to the lineup. Heading into a new season, the team's owner wants to make him the face of the franchise as he moves up to the starting line. Warner has always been uncomfortable in the spotlight, but it's even more complicated now that it means working closely with the Fury's new "hype girl," Imogen Jacobs. Not only is Imogen his former best friend and current teammate Ford's little sister, she's also Warner's high school ex-girlfriend. He still feels guilty over the way things ended between them, but he can't help hoping for a second chance with her. At the very least, he'd like an opportunity to talk through everything that happened back then so that they can both move forward. Imogen has lingering feelings for Warner too, but after the way he hurt her, she can't imagine giving him another chance to get close to her. It's tough to resist their chemistry as they're forced to spend time working together, however. Can they work through the pain of their past - and the objections of Imogen's brother in the present - to build the future that they always wanted, together?
I really liked the way that Warner and Imogen's past was slowly revealed through flashbacks. It kept me glued to my Kindle because I wanted to know more about what had happened between them, and if my suspicions about what caused their breakup were correct. I also loved their banter and chemistry, which remained strong even after ten years apart. 
Secondary characters can really make or break a story for me, and in this case there were a few that I didn't particularly like. For example, Imogen's brother Ford came off as a total jerk, both for his behavior back in high school and for the way he continued to hold a grudge ten years later. I haven't read his story yet, but honestly, I don't think I want to now. It's tough to see him as a hero after witnessing his behavior in this book. In addition, I found it very difficult to believe that he accepted Imogen and Warner's relationship so easily in the end. He even volunteered to be Warner's best man when he and Imogen eventually got married! How is it possible to get over ten years of anger in only five minutes? Aside from Ford, I wasn't a fan of Imogen's boss, Jana. Even though she claimed to be Imogen's friend, she just seemed like a pushy gossip hound who was using Imogen for her own entertainment. (I'm pretty sure there are plans for a future story starring Jana and Warner's teammate Kane; I may have to avoid that book, too.)
In spite of the secondary characters, I did enjoy "Sneaking Around with #34" and would recommend it for fans of contemporary/sports romance and romantic comedy. I will probably pick up the next book of the series.

*Review copy provided by the authors via Valentine PR. All opinions expressed are my own.   

About "Sneaking Around with #34"

I have a reputation for being tight-lipped. You learn quick when you become a professional hockey player to be guarded with the media, so I've worked hard to cover up the mistakes of my youth.

But when I'm traded to the Florida Fury, where my ex-best friend is the starting right wing, I'm forced to confront my past. Ford and I have a lot of history, especially when it comes to his little sister, Imogen.

My heart still lurches in my chest when I see her.
My hands want to reach out and touch her.
My mouth wants to keep apologizing.

She's the only woman who ever made me want more. But she's also the one who fell victim to my most regrettable decision.

I'm not a believer in fate, but I must be back in her world for a reason. I've fought for everything I've gotten and I'm not backing down from what I know will be the best thing in my life. 

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